Hello friends, the book we are about to discuss today is the name of the book "Public Administration" which has been published by Sardar Patel State Administration Institute - Ahmadabad. Especially for students taking training there, this book can therefore help in reading non-secretariat clerks and GPSC. 

The information given in this book is summarized in:

  •  Introduction of State Administration: -

Administration is linked to the collective activities of the human, but with the spread of emotions, a scientific approach has also been adopted in the field of administration. An important branch of administration is public administration. It is also called the State Administration. Public administration has made public interest and the cost is related to collective activities which are not done by any person / organization but by public funds. In today's democratic system, all the institutions of local self-government organizations, courts, public service commissions and certain public corporations, etc., who do not have private ownership or interest, can all be considered in public administration.

Every state has peace and security, law and order in the state, and the good of citizens, such as health, education, leisure facilities etc. To do this, the government makes different laws. Is the enforcement. And the law-abiding person punishes. Thus, the administration of the state government is divided into three parts.

  • 1) Legislative Assembly: - The Legislature is formed to make the State essential. Legislative Assembly holds the legislation on 66 subjects proposed in the State Schedule.
  • 2) Executive: - The legislation enacted by the legislative assembly is executed by the executive. The executive, the governor, the cabinet and the advocate generals have been included. Governor Hodna is the head of business.
  • 3) Jurisprudence: - The judiciary is being penalized for the violation of the law along with the interpretation of the law. The Supreme Court in the judiciary, state-of-the-art courts, district courts, taluka and judiciary Panchayats are in place. The President is appointed by the President of the High Court and the Chairman of the Supreme Court.

Information about the system and structure of different sections of the Secretariat.

At present, there are 25 departments in the Secretariat as per requirement. According to the schedule of business rules of the Gujarat Government, topics are assigned to the deck department. The names of 25 volumes are as follows.

  1. Narmada, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department.
  2. General Administration Department
  3. Enron, Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
  4. Department of Health and Family Welfare
  5. Industry and mining department
  6. Energy and Petrochemical Division
  7. Department of agriculture and cooperatives
  8. Law department
  9. Legal and parliamentary matters
  10. Department of the Interior
  11. finance department
  12. Panchayat, Rural Housing and Rural Development
  13. Revenue Department
  14. Road and building department
  15. Information and broadcast department
  16. Forest and environment department
  17. Sports, Youth and Cultural Activities Department,
  18. Urban development and urban housing department
  19. education Department
  20. Department of Social Justice and Empowerment
  21. Port and psychology department
  22. Women and Child Development
  23. Science department
  24. Labor and employment department
  25. Honor, Chief Minister's Department
Information about this book.

Book name : Jaher vahivat
Author : SPIPA
Language : Gujarati
Format : PDF
Page : 52
Size : 2MB
quality :Good

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